Microbial fertilizers

AGROREVITOL  for the regulation of soil microbiocenoses and degradation of residual herbicides of the sulfonylurea series and imidazolinones

POLYBACT complex biopreparation restoring soil microbial cenoses raising harvests of cultivars and upgrading soil fertility

BACTOPIN - for pre-sowing treatment of seeds and vegetating conifers to promote growth, raise yields of standard planting stock and to save expense of mineral fertilizers

AGROMYC - intended for pre-sowing treatment of seeds and vegetating triticale plants to increase crop productivity and resistance to adverse environmental conditions

GORDEBAC - liquid and peat-based microbial preparation intended to raise productivity of brewing barley and other grain crops by pre-sowing treatment of seeds and vegetating plants resulting in higher yields of eco-safe grain (5-10%) with decreased protein content at lower doses of applied mineral fertilizer

BIOLINUM - complex microbial fertilizer for nitrogen fixation, phosphate mobilization, increasing productivity and quality of flax long fiber variety

RHIZOPHOS (brands Galega, Alfalfa, Clover) - microbial preparation is aimed at increasing productivity of perennial leguminous grasses (Galega orientalis, alfalfa, clover) by pre-sowing treatment of seeds and introduction into furrows

SOYARHIZ - is applied in soya cultivation technology to increase its productivity

POLYFUNCUR - applied to stimulate growth and increase harvests of tilled cultures, to upgrade quality of agroproducts

MACLOR - designed to treat root system of microclonal scedlings, vegetating plants of genus Vaccinium and soil


Marketing Department
Kuprevich str. 2, 220141, Minsk, Belarus
Тел.: +375 (17) 399-43-63

Государственное научное учреждение
Институт микробиологии Национальной академии наук Беларуси

Адрес: 220084, ул. Купревича, 2, Минск, Республика Беларусь
Тел./Факс: +(375) 17 395-47-66
E-mail: microbio@mbio.bas-net.by

Контактное лицо: ученый секретарь Ирина Александровна Ровенская

Тел.:+(375) 17 394-47-18

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