
Complex biopreparation 
to control
Phytophthora infection and Colorado beetle invasion
in potato crops,
Alternaria leaf spot and dry rot pathogens,
cabbage moth and turnip white butterfly
attacks in cabbage fields

Application of complex biopesticide Xantrel allows to alleviate chemical pressure on cultivars and reduce the number of treatments, lowering thereby the ultimate cost of eco-friendly agroproducts. In biological efficiency Xantrel matches the recognized foreign analogs with narrow spectrum of action – either pathogen-specific or pest-specific

Efficiency of action
It damps deleterious effect of various pests by 85-95% and inhibits progress of Phytophthora, Alternaria, Phoma infections by 85-90% resulting in increased potato and cabbage productivity – the average harvests rise by 60-90 c/ha and 120-135 c/ha, respectively

Application guidelines

Xantrel dosage:
6 l of concentrate (300 l of working solution) / 1 hectare

  • For potato crops

-Recommended treatment to dispose of Colorado beetle larvae: sprinkling with 2% Xantrel working solution throughout vegetation period. 1 or 2 procedures will be sufficient
-Anti-Phytophthora treatment: spraying of vegetating potato plants with 2% Xantrel solution; initially for preventive purpose, followed later by therapeutic operations, if required. The number of treatments – 3-4

  • For cabbage

-Control of leaf-eating pests: sprinkling with 2% Xantrel solution in the course of vegetation period. Estimated frequency of treatments – 2-3
-treatments to suppress Alternaria and Phoma infections: 2-3 spraying procedures upon first disease manifestations

Ecological advantages
Xantrel use enables to yield eco-friendly products and reduce pesticide stress on agrobiocenoses. The product is not phytotoxic, safe for humans and animals. Field trials failed to reveal lethal impact of Xantrel on beneficial insects (honey bees, larvae of Chrysopidae and lady-bird beetle). It will not generate toxic agents in the air and effluents, will not provoke contamination of soil and water bodies

Active ingredients
Spores and metabolites of bacteria Bacillus subtilis and spore-crystalline complex of bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis 

Principle of action
Is based on antagonistic relations between bacteria Bacillus subtilis and phytopathogenic microorganisms and entomocidal activity of bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis

Preparative form

Terms of storage
3 months within temperature range +4 to +15°C in sealed container under the roof

XANTREL: State registration

Marketing Department
Kuprevich str. 2, 220141, Minsk, Belarus
Тел.: +375 (17) 399-43-63

Государственное научное учреждение
Институт микробиологии Национальной академии наук Беларуси

Адрес: 220084, ул. Купревича, 2, Минск, Республика Беларусь
Тел./Факс: +(375) 17 395-47-66
E-mail: microbio@mbio.bas-net.by

Контактное лицо: ученый секретарь Ирина Александровна Ровенская

Тел.:+(375) 17 394-47-18

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