Industry Laboratory of Molecular Bio- and Nanotechnologies

Head of the laboratory

Anatoly I. Zinchenko

Corresponding Member of NAS of Belarus,
Doctor of Biological Science, Professor,
Winner of State prize of the Republic of Belarus in 2004

Phone: +375 (17) 357-99-68

The laboratory was founded in 1989.

Main investigation trends:

- genetic engineering of microbial strains producing enzymes of nucleic acid metabolism, physical-chemical characterization of the enzymes and enzymatic production of a broad spectrum of natural and modified nucleosides and nucleotides;
- elaboration of technologies and manufacturing PCR reagents;
- designing sets of reagents for diagnostics of infectious diseases in humans and animals using real-time PCR technique;
- development of technologies for enzymatic synthesis of immune-stimulating nucleic acid compounds.

Results of researh activities:

- several dozens of hyperactive bacterial strains were engineered to produce recombinant enzymes, like nucleoside phosphorylases, proteinase K, dextran saccharase, nucleoside kinase, nucleoside mono- and nucleoside diphosphate kinase, diguanylate- and diadenylate cyclase, etc. The resulting biocatalysts were engaged in technologies of producing a wide series of compounds:

  1. modified nucleosides serving as substrates for manufacturing drugs applied in treatment of human viral and cancer diseases;
  2. cyclic 3ʹ,5ʹ-diguanylate, its arabinofuranosyl and deoxy derivatives, cyclic 3ʹ,5ʹ-diadenylate displaying potent immune-stimulating activities;
  3. highly purified natural 2ʹ-deoxynucleoside-5ʹ-triphosphates essential for conducting standard and real-time PCR;

- in collaboration with Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, NAS Belarus original chemical-enzymatical processes for producing superefficient antitumor drugs «Leucladin» and «Fludarabel» were developed and scaled up to industrial level;
- the technology was elaborated for nanostructuring proteins, nucleic acids and derived components to promote their safe delivery and controlled release in target cells.

Representative publications:

  1. Enzymatic synthesis of 2′-ara and 2′-deoxy analogues of c-di-GMP / A. S. Shchokolova [et al.] // Nucleosides, Nucleotides, Nucleic Acids. – 2015. – Vol. 34, № 6. – P. 416–423.
  2. Zinchenko, A. I. Construction of plasmid enriched with immunostimulatory CpG motifs / A. I. Zinchenko, S. V. Kvach, A. S. Shchokolova // East. Eur. Sci. J. – 2014. – № 3. – P. 10–13.
  3. Enzymatic synthesis of c-di-GMP using inclusion bodies of Thermotoga maritima full-length diguanylate cyclase / A. S. Korovashkina [et al.] // J. Biotechnol. – 2012. – Vol. 164, № 2. – P. 276–280.
  4. Application of recombinant enzymes for the synthesis of pharmaceutically valuable nucleosides and nucleotides / D. V. Burko [et al.] // Biotechnology in Medicine, Foodstuffs, Biocatalysis, Environment and Biogeotechnology. – New York: Nova Science Publ., 2010. – Р. 1–13.
  5. Application of Streptomyces netropsis phospholipase D for synthesis of phosphatidylserine / L. L. Birichevskaya [et al.] // Biotechnology, Biodegradation, Water and Foodstuffs. – New York: Nova Science Publ., 2009. – Р. 65–71.
  6. Use of Erwinia herbicola recombinant nucleoside phosphotransferase for the synthesis of pharmaceutically useful nucleoside-5’-monophosphates / S. V. Kvach [et al.] // New Aspects of Biotech. and Med. / ed. by A. M. Egorov, G. E. Zaikov. – New York: Nova Sci. Publ., 2007. – P. 7–13.

Государственное научное учреждение
Институт микробиологии Национальной академии наук Беларуси

Адрес: 220084, ул. Купревича, 2, Минск, Республика Беларусь
Тел./Факс: +(375) 17 395-47-66

Контактное лицо: ученый секретарь Ирина Александровна Ровенская

Тел.:+(375) 17 394-47-18

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