Head of the laboratory:
Anastasiya V. Sidarenka
Ph.D. in biology, Associate Professor (Ass. Prof.)
Phone: +375 (17) 393-09-21; 399-43-71
E-mail: a_sidarenkambio.bas-net.by, collectionmbio.bas-net.by
The laboratory was founded in 1995.
Laboratory staff:
Leading researcher PhD Alena I. Ladutska
Researcher Hanna V. Kanterova
Researcher MSc Hanna A. Bareika
Researcher MSc Aliaksandra D. Herasimovich
Researcher Victoriya V. Savich
Researcher Svetlana I. Leanovich
Researcher MSc Karyna V. Kantor
Researcher Palina I. Arlouskaya
Junior Researcher MSc Darya Guliayeva
Laboratory is responsible for function of Belarusian Collection of Non-pathogenic Microorganisms
Principal research trends:
- study of microbiota biodiversity in different ecosystems;
- depositing and maintenance of microbial cultures valuable for different areas of microbiology and biotechnology in a specialized collection fund;
- selection and genetic engineering of highly active strains to develop biopreparations of novel generation;
- molecular-genetic identification of bacteria, bacteriophages, filamentous and yeast-like fungi, development of PCR detection methods for target groups of microorganisms;
- studies on physiology and genetics of microorganisms representing diverse taxonomic groups;
- optimization of long-term preservation methods for microbial cultures in collection depository;
- classification of information on deposited cultures, setting up databases describing microbial collection stock, consulting on identification and preservation of microorganisms;
- depositing of microbial strains for storage and patent procedure;
- provision of microbial cultures upon request of scientific institutions, universities, production enterprises of microbiological profile.
Major investigation results:
- Belarusian collection of non-pathogenic microorganisms incorporates over 3,150 cultures representing diverse taxonomic groups.
- Belarusian collection of non-pathogenic microorganisms is rated as the Object of National asset of the Republic of Belarus and was formally registered as a member of World Federation of Culture Collections (WFCC).
- Catalogues and databases of microbial cultures comprising entries of type, reference and industrial strains were published in Belarusian, Russian and English versions.
- Information about the Belarusian collection of non-pathogenic microorganisms is available in the Global Electronic Catalogue of Microorganisms, the Global Registry of Scientific Collections, on the website List of Prokaryotic Names with Standing in Nomenclature.
- Guidelines for depositing microbial strains at Belarusian collection of non-pathogenic microorganisms were formulated.
- Procedures for washless method of low-temperature conservation of bacteria, bacteriophages, mycelial and yeast-like fungi were introduced. Optimal regimens of refrigerating-defrosting and desiccation of cell suspensions and bacterial concentrates were defined.
- Molecular-genetical identification of microorganisms from different taxonomic groups is performed on a permanent basis.
Major developments:
Biopesticide Multiphage to control bacterial diseases of vegetables
in open field (Specifications BY 100289066.110-2013; State registration № 06-0087)
Method of complex diagnostics of fish bacteriosis pathogens (methodical recommendations approved by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus 11.12.2023) (jointly with the Institute of Fishery)
Representative publications
1. Gvozdev MY, Turomsha IS, Savich VV, Faletrov YV, Sidarenka AV, Shkumatov VM, Loginova NV. Sterically hindered phenolic derivatives: effect on the production of Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence factors, high-throughput virtual screening and ADME properties prediction. Arch Microbiol. 2024;206(3):91. doi: 10.1007/s00203-023-03827-y.
2. Sidarenka, A., Kraskouski, A., Savich, V. et al. Design of Sponge-like Chitosan Wound Dressing with Immobilized Bacteriophages for Promoting Healing of Bacterially Infected Wounds. J Polym Environ (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10924-024-03241-5
3.Herasimovich A, Akhremchuk A, Valentovich L, Sidarenka A. Whole genome analysis, thermal and UV-tolerance of Lactococcus phage BIM BV-114 isolated from cheese brine. Res Microbiol. 2024:104203. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resmic.2024.104203
4. Kraskouski A, Mashkin M, Kulikouskaya V, Savich V, Sidarenka A, Pinchuk S, Li R. Design of highly porous materials based on chitosan/pectin interpolyelectrolyte complex for wound healing application. Adv. Polymer Technol. 2024. 2024;8747902. https://doi.org/10.1155/2024/8747902
1.Guliayeva D, Akhremchuk A, Sikolenko M, Evdokimova O, Valentovich L, Sidarenka A. Roseateles amylovorans sp. nov., isolated from freshwater. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2023;73(11). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.006133.
2. Kulikouskaya V, Nikalaichuk V, Hileuskaya K, Ladutska A, Grigoryan K, Kozerozhets I, Hovsepyan V, Sargsyan M, Sidarenka A. Alginate coated biogenic silver nanoparticles for the treatment of Pseudomonas infections in rainbow trout. Int J Biol Macromol. 2023;251:126302. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.126302.
3. Nikalaichuk V.V., Hiatsevich K.V., Kulikouskaya V.I., Ladutska A.I.., Sidarenka A.V. Study of the interaction between biogenic alginate-Ag nanoparticles and enrofloxacin: combinatory antibacterial effect and nanocomposite formation. BioNanoSci. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12668-023-01257-0.
4. Akhmedov O.R., Shomurotov Sh.A., Sidorenko A.V., Turaev A.S. Khimiya Rastitel’nogo Syr’ya, 2023, N. 3, P. 85–92. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.14258/jcprm.20230312787.
5. Фалетров Я.В., Савич В.В., Сидоренко А.В., Логинова Н.В., Шкуматов В.М. In silico поиск взаимодействий холестерина и кумарина через связывание с белками бактерий рода Pseudomonas // Биохимия и молекулярная биология. – 2023. – Т.2, №2(3). – С. 32-37.
6. Барейко А.А., Сидоренко А.В. Оптимизация протоколов выделения ДНК из почвы и воды для ПЦР-диагностики фитопатогенных микроорганизмов // Микробные биотехнологии: фундаментальные и прикладные аспекты: сб. науч. тр. – Минск: «Беларуская навука», 2023. – Т. 15. – С. 192-210.
7. Кантор К.В., Семашко Т.В., Поддубко С.В., Сидоренко А.В. Видовое разнообразие, биологические особенности и биотехнологический потенциал микроорганизмов, выявляемых при микробиологическом мониторинге космических станций // Микробные биотехнологии: фундаментальные и прикладные аспекты: сб. науч. тр. – Минск: «Беларуская навука», 2023. – Т. 15. – С. 55-77.
8. Летвинова В.С., Барейко А.А., Раевская Е.А., Сверчкова Н.В. Выделение и отбор штаммов спорообразующих бактерий рода Bacillus, обладающих пробиотическими свойствами, из микробиоты рубца жвачных животных // Микробные биотехнологии: фундаментальные и прикладные аспекты: сб. науч. тр. – Минск: «Беларуская навука», 2023. – Т. 15. – C. 233-249.
9. Guliayeva D., Sidarenka A., Valentovich L. Introducing the novel species of the genus Roseateles, isolated from freshwater // FEMS2023 abstract book: abstracts of 10th Congress of European Microbiologists, Hamburg, 9–13 July 2023. P. 704. Abst. W52.
1. Sidarenka A.V., Leanovich S.I. , Kalamiyets E.I. , Vieira D.E.L. , Cardoso J.P.V. , Salak A.N. Commercial synthetic hydrotalcite as an adsorbent nanomaterial for removal of bacteria from contaminated water. Environmental Engineering Research. 2023. Vol.28, №3. https://www.eeer.org/upload/eer-2022-063.pdf
2. Akhremchuk K.V., Skapavets K.Y., Akhremchuk A.E., Kirsanava N.P., Sidarenka A.V., Valentovich L.N. Gut microbiome of healthy people and patients with hematological malignancies in Belarus. Microbiology Independent Research Journal (MIR Journal). 2022. Vol. 9, № 1. P. 18-30. https://doi.org/10.18527/2500-2236-2022-9-1-18-30.
3. Kraskouski A., Hileuskaya K., Ladutska A., Kabanava V, Liubimau A., Novik G., Nhi T.T.Y., Agabekov V. Multifunctional biocompatible films based on pectin-Ag nanocomposites and PVA: Design, characterization and antimicrobial potential. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2022. e53023. P. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1002/app.53023.
4. Kraskouski A., Hileuskaya K., Nikalaichuk V., Ladutska A., Kabanava V. , Wanzi Yao, Lijun You Chitosan-based Maillard self-reaction products: Formation, characterization, antioxidant and antimicrobial potential. J. Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications. 2022. Vol.4. P. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carpta.2022.100257
5. Akhmedov O.R., Shomurotov S.A., Turaev A.S., Sidarenka A.V. Dependence of Antimicrobial Effects of Guanidine-containing Pectin Derivatives from Some Structural Characteristics. Drug development & registration. 2022;11(2):38-45. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.33380/2305-2066-2022-11-2-38-45
6. Akhremchuk KV, Skapavets KY, Akhremchuk AE, Kirsanava NP, Sidarenka AV, Valentovich LN. Dynamics of gut microbiota in patients suffering from hematologic malignancies after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Experimental Biology and Biotechnology. 2022;2:48–59. https://doi.org/10.33581/2957-5060-2022-2-48-59 (in Russian)
7. Akhremchuk K.U., Skapavets K.Y., Akhremchuk A.E., Kirsanava N.P., Sidarenka A.V., Valentovich L.N. Initial experience of fecal microbiota transplantation in Belarus in patients with hematologic malignancies as a method for recovery of intestinal microbiocenosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2022;19(4):391-403. https://doi.org/10.29235/1814-6023-2022-19-4-391-403. (in Russian)
8. Guliayeva D. E., Sidarenka A. V. Antibiotic resistance of heterotrophic bacteria isolated from water sources of the Republic of Belarus. Microbial Biotechnologies: fundamental and applied aspects: collection of sci. papers / Institute of Microbiology of NASB ; eds: E.I.Kalamiyets [et al.]. Minsk: «Belaruskaya navuka», 2022. Vol. 14. P. 85-97 (in Russian)
9. Ladutska E. I., Chekanouskaya E. O., Kraskouski A. N., Hileuskaya K. S., Sidarenka A. V. Synthesis of monosaccharide derivatives of low-molecular chitosan and characteristics of their antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Microbial Biotechnologies: fundamental and applied aspects: collection of sci. papers / Institute of Microbiology of NASB ; eds: E.I.Kalamiyets [et al.]. Minsk: «Belaruskaya navuka», 2022. Vol. 14. P. 108-122 (in Russian)
1. Smirnova M., Miamin U., Kohler A., Valentovich L., Akhremchuk A., Sidarenka A., Dolgikh A., Shapaval V. Isolation and characterization of fast-growing green snow bacteria from coastal East Antarctica. Microbiology Open. 2021; 10: e1152. https://doi.org/10.1002/mbo3.1152.
2. Zdorovenko EL, Kadykova AA, Shashkov AS, Kiseleva EP, Savich VV, Novik GI. The O-specific polysaccharides structures of Pseudomonas strains isolated from the Ficus elastica. Carbohydr. Res. 2021 Jan;499:108235. doi: 10.1016/j.carres.2021.108235.
1. Novik, G. Beneficial microbiota. Probiotics and pharmaceutical products in functional nutrition and medicine / G. Novik, V. Savich // Microbes Infect. – 2020. – Vol. 22, No 1. – P. 8-18.
2. Zdorovenko, E.L. O-specific polysaccharides structures of Pseudomonas strains isolated from the strawberry leaves / E.L. Zdorovenko, A.A. Kadykova, A.S. Shashkov, E.P. Kiseleva, V.V. Savich, G.I. Novik // Carbohydr Res. – 2020. – Vol. 489. – P. 107932.
3.Herasimovich A.D. Bacteriophages of lactic acid bacteria Lactococcus lactis and their resistance to physico-chemical factors / A.D. Herasimovich, A.V. Sidarenka // Microbial Biotechnologies: fundamental and applied aspects: collection of sci. papers / Institute of Microbiology of NASB ; eds: E.I.Kalamiyets [et al.]. – Minsk: «Belaruskaya navuka», 2020. – Vol. 12. – P. 40-58. [in Russian]
4. Ladutska, A.I. Physiological-biochemical and molecular-genetic properties of thermophilic sporulating bacteria isolated from natural sources / A.I. Ladutska, D.E. Guliayeva, S.I. Leanovich, A.V. Sidarenka // Microbial Biotechnologies: fundamental and applied aspects: collection of sci. papers / Institute of Microbiology of NASB ; eds: E.I.Kalamiyets [et al.]. – Minsk: «Belaruskaya navuka», 2020. – Vol. 12 – P. 112-122. [in Russian]
5. Bareika, H.A. Optimization of PCR-based technique for diagnostics of bacterial pathogens of cucumber and tomato / H.A. Bareika, D.S. Paturemsky, A.V. Evdokimova, L.N. Valentovich, M.A. Titok, E.I. Kalamiyets, A.V. Sidarenka // Microbial Biotechnologies: fundamental and applied aspects: collection of sci. papers / Institute of Microbiology of NASB ; eds: E.I.Kalamiyets [et al.]. – Minsk: «Belaruskaya navuka», 2020. – Vol. 12 – P.144-159. [in Russian]
6. Akhremchuk, E.V. Comparative examination of metagenomic DNA extraction methods for analysis of gut microbiota / E. V. Akhremchuk, A. E. Akhremchuk, S. V. Buinitskaya, A.V.Sidarenka, L.N.Valentovich // Microbial Biotechnologies: fundamental and applied aspects: collection of sci. papers / Institute of Microbiology of NASB ; eds: E.I.Kalamiyets [et al.]. – Minsk: «Belaruskaya navuka», 2020. – Vol. 12 – P.1339-354. [in Russian]
1. Novik G., Savich V. Beneficial lactic acid bacteria. Use of lactic acid bacteria in production of probiotics. Pocket guide to bacterial infections. ed. K. Balamurugan. CRC Press, 2019. P. 225-278.
2. Novik G., Savich V., Kiseleva E. Biodiversity conservation of phages and microbial populations. Microbial Resource Conservation, Soil Biology. eds. S. Sharma, A. Varma. Vol. 54. Springer International Publishing AG, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland, 2018. Chapter 10. P. 261-301.
3. Novik G., Savich V., Ladutska A. Classification and identification of bacteriophage receptors. Understanding microbial pathogens: current knowledge and educational ideas on antimicrobial research. eds. E. Torres-Hergueta, A. Méndez-Vilas. Formatex Research Center, 2018. P. 108-120.
4. Novik G., Meerovskaya O., Savich V. Waste degradation and utilization by lactic acid bacteria: use of lactic acid bacteria in production of food additives, bioenergy and biogas. Food Additives, Chapter 5., ed. by Prof. D. N. Karunaratne, G. Pamunuwa, 2017. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, 2017. P. 105–146.
5. Novik G., Savich V. Bacteriophages of Pseudomonas bacteria: application in medicine and agriculture. The Battle Against Microbial Pathogens: Basic Science, Technological Advances and Educational Programs. A. Méndez-Vilas (ed.). Formatex Research Center. 2015/2016. Vol.1. P. 295–304.
6. Novik G. , Savich V., Kiseleva E. An insight into beneficial Pseudomonas bacteria. Microbiology in Agriculture and Human Health, Chapter 5. ed. by Dr. Mohammad Manjur Shah, 2015 . Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, 2015. P. 73–105.
7. Probiotics / G. Novik [et al.] // Biotransformation of Waste Biomass into High Value Biochemicals / S. K. Brar (eds.) [et al.]. – New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2014. – P. 187–235.
8. Bareika H. A., Sidarenka A.V., Novik G.I. Starter cultures of lactic acid bacteria for special diet products // The Eurobiotech J. – 2017. – Vol. 1. – P. 89–90.
9. Plotnikava D. , Sidarenka A., Novik G. Antibiotic resistance in lactococci and enterococci: phenotypic and molecular-genetic aspects. The Eurobiotech J. 2017. Vol. 1. ‒P. 11–18.
10. Sidarenka A.V., Valentovich L.N., Novik G.I. Evaluation of probiotic potential of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis strains: in vitro study. The EuroBiotech J. 2017. Vol. 2. P. 182–183.
11. Zielinska D., Kolozhyn-Krajewska D., Sidarenka A., Novik G. Growth and survival of Bifidobacterium in soy beverage. Food. Science. Technology. Quality. 2012. Vol. 4, No 83. P. 86–97. [in Polish]
12. Zdorovenko E.L., Izhyk A.V., Sidarenka A.V., Kiseleva E.P., Kachala V.V., Novik G.I. , Knirel Y.A. Structure of cell-wall polysaccharides of probiotic bacteria Bifidobacterium bifidum BIM B-465 // Carbohydrate Res. 2009. V.344. P. 2417-2420.
13. Novik G.I. , Sidarenka A.V., Rakhuba D., Kolomiets E.I. Cryopreservation of bifidobacteria and bacteriophages in Belarusian collection of non-pathogenic microorganisms. J. Culture Collections. 2008-2009. Vol.6. P. 76-84.
14. Sidarenka A.V., Novik G.I., Akimov V.N. Use of molecular methods in classification and identification of bacteria of genus Bifidobacterium. Microbiology. 2008. Vol.77, N3. P. 1-11.