Research and Production Biotechnology Center

Head of tht department:

Vitaliy A. Shchatko

Ph. D. in biology, Associate Professor (Ass. Prof)

Телефон: +375 17 396-99-69; 265-99-69

The department was founded in 2018 to succeed laboratory of fermentation processes with pilot plant prodaction.

The department incorporates sector of low tonnage biotechnology was launched in 2009 and sector of dry biopreparations  was put into operation  in 2019.

Major activities:

- elaboration of technological approaches to formulation and fabrication of microbial preparations in new commercial forms
- development and scale up of novel biotechnologies
- arranging small-scale production and market supply of diverse microbial products (probiotics, microbial fertilizers, plant biological control agents, bacterial preservatives, etc.)
- provision of supervising and consulting service to promote industrial manufacturing of microbial preparations.

Research results

Personnel of the department  «Research-production center of biotechnologies» conducted studies on optimization of cultural parameters for representatives of various taxonomic groups, including mixed incubation of several microbial strains. The processes of cultural liquid concentration, desiccation of biomass and biologically active compounds originating from certain microbial sources were analyzed in detail. The technologies of producing complex liquid preparations based on consortia of active strains (microbial fertilizers, probiotics) and formulas comprising derived metabolites were designed and scaled up to pilot plant level cooperation with research teams from other Institute structural subdivisions.

The department facilities are equipped with up-to-date instrumentation for pilot-scale biotechnological production capable to generate a spectrum of competitive biocommodities.

So far the departaments experts have mastered about 60 biopreparation technologies. All kinds of produse are efficient substitutes for previously imported analogs.


1. Romanova, L. Effects of maintenance conditions on viability of strain Lactobacillus acidophilus BIM В-461 / L. Romanova, О. Kuzmina, J. Shelest, I. Gaponova, О. Adamovich  //  Annual Transact. Inst. of  microbiology, Acad. of Sci. of Belarus «Microbial biotechnologies: basic and applied aspects» – Minsk, 2015. – P. 219-228.
2.  Shchatko, V. Physiological and biochemical properties of new strains  of lactic acid bacteria isolated from cow’s milk/ V. Shchatko, N. Golovnyova// Microbial Biotechnology: 3rd international scientific conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the foundation of first research institutions and the 55th anniversary of the inauguration of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova October 12-13, 2016 :conf. proc. / Acad. of Sci. of Moldova, Inst. of Microbiology and Biotehnology; sci Greta Balan [et al.]. – Chisinau, 2016. – P. 108.
3. Molchan О.  Some aspects of accelerating growth and development of bacteria from genus  Bacillus / О. Molchan, L. Romanova, A. Berezhnaya, I. Gaponova, Ja. Korneychik, E. Bolotnik // Microbial biotechnologies: basic and applied aspects: Annual Transact. Inst. Microbiol. Acad. Sci. Belarus; eds. E. Kolomiets, A. Lobanok – Minsk, 2018. – Vol. 10.-P. 113-123.
4. Buko A., Golovnyova N., Ryabaya N, Shchatko V. Investigation of cultural parameters of strain Enterococcus faecalis BIM B-1012 for optimization of lactic acid fermentation of molasses // Microbial biotechnogies: basic and applied aspects: Annual Tsansact. Inst. Microbiol. Acad. Sci. Belarus / eds: E. Kolomiets et. al. – Minsk, 2018.  – Vol.10.– P. 56 – 62.
5. Garbar S. Selection of lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus as potential active constituents of biological preparations / S. Garbar, L. Romanova, O. Kuzmina, O. Kuzmina,  D. Balpanov //  X Int. conf. «World Scientific Potential – 2014» conf. material, issued by Rusnauchkniga LTD (Belgorod, Russia) in collaboration with publishing houses Nauka i obrazovanie (Science and education) (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine), Edukation and Science s.r.o. (Prague, Czechia), Uralnauchkniga (Uralsk, Kazakhstan), Bialgrad – BG (Sofia, Bulgaria), Nauchny vestnik (Research herald Ltd) (Gomel, Belarus), Sp. z.o.o. Nauka i studia  (available in e—format).
6. Romanova L. Effect of temperature and inoculum on growth and biosynthetic activity of lactic acid bacteria  / L. Romanova,    Л. В. Романова, Ju. Gaidukevich, I. Gaponova, N. Gladky, O. Ten // Biotechnology – from theory to practice: Proc. Russian open conference dedicated to the memory of Prof. Nailya Kireeva, Ufa, Russia, 23-26 Sept. 2014: Bashkin State University, Ufa, Russia, 23—26 Sept. 2014 Vol. 2. – P. 190-193.

Государственное научное учреждение
Институт микробиологии Национальной академии наук Беларуси

Адрес: 220084, ул. Купревича, 2, Минск, Республика Беларусь
Тел./Факс: +(375) 17 395-47-66

Контактное лицо: ученый секретарь Ирина Александровна Ровенская

Тел.:+(375) 17 394-47-18

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