International scientific conference “Contemporary state and development prospects of microbiology and biotechnology”, Minsk, June 2-6, 2008

From June 2 to June 6, 2008 the Institute of Microbiology, National Academy of Sciences, Belarus arranged the sixth International conference “Contemporary state and development prospects of microbiology and biotechnology” devoted to 80-th anniversary of National Academy of Sciences, Belarus attended by over 180 participants representing research and academic institutions, business and industrial sector from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Serbia, Poland, Uzbekistan. A regular session of East Palaearkctic regional section of International organization for biological control of noxious animals and plants was held within the framework of this forum.

Organizers and sponsors:

Division of biological sciences, National Academy of Sciences, Belarus, Institute of Microbiology, Belarusian National Foundation of Basic Studies,Belarusian Non-governmental Association of Microbiologists, Active Biotech, Ltd.

Thematic trends of the conference program:

1. Microbial diversity

2. Microbial synthesis of biologically active compounds, genetic engineering of microbial strains

3. Microbial technologies for agriculture and medicine

4. Biological products for industry

5. Biotechnologies for environmental control.

A session of East Palaearctic regional section of International organization for biological control of noxious animals and plants was divided within the framework of the conference into the sollowing directions:

1. Technologies of production and application of plant biological control agents.

2. New advances in biotechnology, genetics, chemistry and physics used for elaboration of methods for comprehensive control of noxious organisms.

Государственное научное учреждение
Институт микробиологии Национальной академии наук Беларуси

Адрес: 220084, ул. Купревича, 2, Минск, Республика Беларусь
Тел./Факс: +(375) 17 395-47-66

Контактное лицо: ученый секретарь Ирина Александровна Ровенская

Тел.:+(375) 17 394-47-18

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